Prototyping & Validation

Assuring our product is ready to hit the road

All our products are meticulously tested and validated before going into production. Following a methodical and highly effective validation process that is the best in the industry.

World-class Prototyping and Validation

All our products are meticulously tested and validated before going into production. This is what we pride ourselves on. Following a methodical and highly effective validation process that is the best in the industry. We make it our mission to test at high speed and less cost but on top of that ensure our products are validated to the highest of standards. Guaranteeing ultra-safe, efficient and effective transportation of gas and fluid for your equipment. We carry the BOA name and reputation. Always delivering exactly what you need.

First, we build a prototype to test, optimize and validate the final component. This is performed in the vehicle and in our laboratory using our state-of-the-art testing facilities to measure to any requirements needed. We do pre-development testing of materials including shake & bake with SN curves up to 750°C, vickers hardness, gravimetric residue, metallurgical and spectrometric analysis. Our corrosion chamber simulates magnesium chloride salt spray at temperature and motion.

We have our own damage calculation program, serial tooling, hydraulic shakers, pressure pulsation, thermal cycling, hot gas testing, temperature chambers and Real Motion Simulation endurance testing. As well as, a corrosion test rig, dynamic test and high frequency test rig. All re-enacting real-life scenarios to ensure an ultimate connection.

At the end of our rigorous validation process, we assure that our parts will perform to your expectations . In fact, in the last 20 years, we have a zero ppm (parts per million) on field return of BOA parts. This is why you come to us. We ensure all our components and modules are 100% safe and ready to hit the road.

This is why we are the best in the business. Making ultimate lasting connections and empowering the flow of global brands. We are BOA. Engineering the future of sustainable solutions.

How can we help you?

If you want any information or if you need any help? Just visit our online expert center. Here you find information on all our products or you can contact one of our engineers about your challenge. We will be glad to support you.

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