Every day we answer questions like “which kind of expansion joint is suitable for my steam pipe which works at 280°C and 64barg?”.
Every day we answer questions like “which kind of expansion joint is suitable for my steam pipe which works at 280°C and 64barg?”.
With over 100 years of experience, we are the best in the business when it comes to the transportation of gas and fluid in process piping. Every day we answer questions like “which kind of expansion joint is suitable for my steam pipe which works at 280°C and 64barg?”. We know exactly what the challenge entails and how to solve it. Our experienced field application engineering team is eager to support clients on-site and always devise the best solution to fit the exact needs.
How? We have in-house software to accurately analyze and calculate the right connection according to the exact needs of our client. Utilizing our advanced technologies like hydraulic, elastomeric and mechanical punch forming to produce single or multiple expansion joints and systems from DN15 to DN2500.
This is how we compensate for stresses, thermal elongation and mechanical vibration, as well as settlements, earthquake-induced movements and misalignments.
This is why you choose BOA. We are the only company in the world that can solve all challenges in one go. And doing so in the most cost-effective way possible, always meeting or exceeding international standards.
Read more about our products & components for industry.
We are BOA. Solving any challenge to invent the ultimate sustainable and validated connection.
If you want any information or if you need any help? Just visit our online expert center. Here you find information on all our products or you can contact one of our engineers about your challenge. We will be glad to support you.