
Experts in transporting fluid and gas in any infrastructure in the world

We have developed the most sophisticated components and systems to revolutionize the critical transportation of fluid and gas in the world of infrastructure.

At BOA, we have developed the most sophisticated components and systems to revolutionize the critical transportation of fluid and gas in the world of infrastructure. This is where our field application engineering skills and expertise comes into play. We are experts in transporting fluid and gas in district heating and water storage equipment in any infrastructure in the world.

We have a wealth of experience to solve any challenge in this domain. Whether it is optimizing the positioning of expansion joints in buried pipelines and underground manholes or dealing with pressure balanced expansion with pressure drop limitation. You name it, we will do it! Solving challenges of leak-tightness, NVH, relative movement, corrosion resistance, cleanliness or pressure resistance… or a combination of these.

Clients often ask us, “can you provide the pressure drop for a pressure balanced expansion joint?”. Yes, absolutely, we can even provide validated data based on measurements in district heating pipelines. At BOA, we are always ecstatic to say yes to any questions our clients throw at us. We love to solve the most complex challenges for the safe and reliable transportation of fluid and gas.

How? With the best engineers in the business, over 100 years of experience, the finest recyclable materials and welding, as well as adhering to all industry and safety standards. That’s how we overcome the ever-increasing challenges that face infrastructures today.

Read more about our products & components for industry .

We are BOA. Solving any challenge to invent the ultimate sustainable and validated connection.

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